Save Record vs Before Submit Entry Point | SuiteScript | saveRecord | beforeSubmit | Netsuite

Описание к видео Save Record vs Before Submit Entry Point | SuiteScript | saveRecord | beforeSubmit | Netsuite

NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0 Tutorial : ClientScript SaveRecord
NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0 Tutorial : User Event Script | before Submit

saveRecord Entry Point    • SuiteScript Tutorial - Client Script ...  
beforeSubmitEntry Point    • SuiteScript Tutorial - User Event Scr...  

ClientScript SaveRecord

Defines the function that is executed when a record is saved (after the submit button is pressed but before the form is submitted).

The following sample tasks can be performed:
Provide alerts before committing the data.
Enable fields that were disabled with other functions.
Redirect the user to a specified URL.

Returns true if the record is valid and is saved. false otherwise.

User Event Script | before Submit

The function that is executed before a record is submitted; that is, prior to any write operation on the record.

Changes made to the current record in this script persist after the write operation.

The beforeSubmit event can be used to validate the submitted record, perform any restriction and permission checks, and perform any last-minute changes to the current record.


The approve, cancel, and reject argument types are only available for record types such as sales orders, expense reports, timebills, purchase orders, and return authorizations.

Only beforeLoad and afterSubmit user event entry point functions execute on the Message record type when a message is created by an inbound email case capture. Scripts set to execute on a beforeSubmit event do not execute.

User Event Scripts cannot override custom field permissions. For instance, if a user’s role permissions and a custom field’s permissions differ, beforeSubmit cannot update the custom field, even if the script is set to execute as Administrator.

Attaching a child custom record to its parent or detaching a child custom record from its parent triggers an edit event.

This event can be used with the following context.UserEventType:

xedit (inline editing)
approve (only available for certain record types)
cancel (only available for certain record types)
reject (only available for certain record types)
pack (only available for certain record types, for example Item Fulfillment records)
ship (only available for certain record types, for example Item Fulfillment records)
markcomplete (specify this type for a beforeSubmit script to execute when users click Mark Complete on call and task records)
reassign (specify this type for a beforeSubmit script to execute when users click Grab on case records)
editforecast (specify this type for a beforeSubmit script to execute when users update opportunity and estimate records using the Forecast Editor)

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#beforeload #userevent #beforeloadevent #userevents #usereventscript #netsuiteusereventscriptingbeforesubmit #theusereventscript #netsuiteusereventscript #usereventscriptinnetsuite #beforeload #netsuiteusereventscriptingaftersubmit #netsuitedocumentation #theusereventscript #userevent #beforesubmitevent #netsuitesuitescriptclienteventfieldchanged #clientscriptvsusereventscript #netsuiteclientvsusereventscript
#client script save record
#suitescript 2.0 save record
#saverecord, #suitescript


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