Playing Sally.exe Eye Of Three Part 1 (Old Version) with different music!

Описание к видео Playing Sally.exe Eye Of Three Part 1 (Old Version) with different music!

#SallyExe #EoT #EyeOfThree

Added Music:
01:35, 03:49, 06:18, 11:22, 19:12, 21:46, 29:03, 29:18, 30:00
Splash Hill Theme = Original song:    • Sonic the Hedgehog 4 "Splash Hill Zon...  
03:50, 06:17 Tropical Jungle = Original song:    • Tropical Jungle (The Jungle ~ The Swa...  
11:23, 13:39, 19:15, 21:44
Sonic X - Theme Song = Original song:    • Видео  
13:40 - 17:21 Boss - Dark Gaia Phase 2 Endless Possibility - Orchestra Version = Original Song:    • Boss - Dark Gaia (Phase 2) (Endless P...  

Extra info; Both of the old version's parts are not available anymore - you can still download the finished version of the game down below!

Download link (Finished version of both of the game's parts):

⏩ NB Remake (Playlist):    • NB (Nightmare Beginning) Remake videos!  
⏩ Old NB (Playlist):    • Old Sonic.Exe: Nightmare Beginning (V...  
⏩ CN/EoT/FN (Playlist):    • Sally.Exe CN/FN/EoT/CS (Videos)  
⏩ Nightmare Wiki Series (Playlist):    • Nightmare Wiki Episodes  
⏩ Exe Line Series (Playlist):    • Exe Line Series by JaizKoys (+ a few ...  

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