L23OUD Close Pass illegal numberplate spacing illegal numberplate tint - NFA

Описание к видео L23OUD Close Pass illegal numberplate spacing illegal numberplate tint - NFA

NFA - no reply
L23OUD Close Pass illegal numberplate spacing illegal numberplate tint 20th Apr 2024

As I have mentioned previously, we are aware of the issues around resourcing this area of work and looking to resolve this with additional staffing, but that process takes some time. In the meantime, there will the occasion where we do not manage to process submissions within the timescales for issuing a notice of intended prosecution.
I would therefore suggest to you that if you have not heard about a specific submission, you can assume that we did not process it in time. Ideally we would respond to each of these but doing so just compounds the backlog meaning that even more are not dealt with.
Scott Dernie
Head of Safety Cameras & Ticket Processing

Safety Cameras and Ticket Processing

South Yorkshire Police

Maltby Police Station

Byford Way



S66 8ER


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