6. Used To. Ready? Steady! Tenses! Курс по Временам Английского Глагола.

Описание к видео 6. Used To. Ready? Steady! Tenses! Курс по Временам Английского Глагола.

Ready? Steady! Tenses. Самый полный Курс по Временам Английского Глагола. Lesson 6. Used To.

Выкладываю в свободный доступ для всех курсы, которые записывала несколько лет назад для своих учеников. Enjoy!

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Homework 📚
Exercise 1.
Read the text and put in the verbs either in Past Simple or USED TO.
My name is Carol. I’m 52. I live in Cornwall.
When I ___ (be) 15 I ___ (fall) in love with a boy called Robert. I ___ (be) at school, a girls’ convent, and he ___ (be) in his first year at university. We ___ (go out) in secret because my parents ___ (not like) him at all – Robert ___ (be) a long-haired hippy who played the guitar. But after a year I ___ (break up) with him because my parents ___ (make) my life impossible. Robert ___ (get) very angry and offended and we ___ (lose) touch. But I always ___ (wonder) what ___ (happen) to him after that. When I ___ (hear) about the website Friends Reunited I ___ (decide) to try and ___ (get) in touch with him again. I’m divorced now and I ___ (think): ‘You never know!’. I ___ (remember) the name of the school we ___ (go) to and I ___ (check) its page. There I immediately ___ (find) Robert and ___ (send) a message to him and two days later I ____ (get) a reply.

What do you think happened in the end? Write in the comments.

Exercise 2.
Think about your life 10 years ago. How was it difficult? Write what was different using ‘USED TO’ in the comments. Mention these aspects.
1. appearance
2. family
3. girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband
4. work
5. hobbies
6. smoking
7. food likes and dislikes
8. world outlook


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