How to make an LS Engine Stand Alone - L96 With an E78 ECU

Описание к видео How to make an LS Engine Stand Alone - L96 With an E78 ECU

Here are the resources I use when making an LS Engine stand alone. I have made a few engines stand alone and these are the links that I go to to learn how to do it.

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Hands down the best place to go to figure out which wires to keep and which to cut on most LS swaps. Unfortunately, he does not have the E78 Harness information, but most others. I have reached out to him to see if he has information about getting add on cooling fans to work with a PWM signal that comes from the E78. Check back here, and I will probably make another video on cleaning up the harness and adding cooling fans...I am not giving up on the E78 yet.

This is where I found the pin outs for my 2013 Silverado. Seems like they have the electrical schematisc for many of the newer trucks.

J.R is still the Godfather of budget LS builds. J.R and I think the same when it comes to spending money on engines. Get a complete engine, and if it is not broken, dont try to fix it.
   / thedrivewayengineer  

The support on the HP Tuner forum is like many forums. Search for your answer before you ask the same quesiton that was asked a few months ago. There are many very smart people that are willing to help new tuners.


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