Susam Pogacice | Sesame Cheese Buns: How To Make The Best & Softest Turkish Sesame Cheese Buns

Описание к видео Susam Pogacice | Sesame Cheese Buns: How To Make The Best & Softest Turkish Sesame Cheese Buns

This videos shows How To Make Turkish Sesame Cheese Buns. This is a very easy recipe as it does not involve any resting time or anything. Simple make the dough with a few ingredients and shape into flat circles for filling and close. For filling I decided to go with cheddar cheese as it is a cheese you can find anywhere, turkish cheese you cannot find in all places. If you have access to turkish cheese use that one by all means.

For the full explanation find it on my website:

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★English★ ★Srpski★

Ingredients: Sastojci:
•220ml Greek Yogurt/ •220ml Jogurta/
Natural Yogurt Grčkog jogurta
•100ml Vegetable Oil •100ml Ulja
•2 Tsp Baking Powder •2 Kašičice praška za pecivo
•1 Tbsp Salt •1 Kašičica soli
•400g Bread Flour •400g Brašna
•150g Cheddar Cheese •150g Rendanog kačkavalja
•Sesame Seeds •Susam za valjanje

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