TWICE Mina, how a girl from a wealthy high-class family became a Kpop idol

Описание к видео TWICE Mina, how a girl from a wealthy high-class family became a Kpop idol

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오늘 8분 아이돌 동화의 주인공은 트와이스 미나입니다!
Today's episode of '8 Min Idol Tale' is about Mina of TWICE!

최근 첫 영어 싱글 '더 필즈(The Feels)'로 해외 주요 차트에
Recently, TWICE released their first English single 'The Feels',

이름을 올리며 세계적인 활동을 하고있는 트와이스!
which was included in a number of major music charts around the world!

JYP엔터테인먼트에서는 일본에서 아홉 번째 싱글 '도넛(Doughnut)'을
JYP Entertainment announced that they'll release

발표한다고 알렸는데요!
TWICE's 9th single 'Doughnut' in Japan!

활발한 활동을 하고있는 트와이스에서 비주얼을 담당하는 멤버!
Mina is one of the visual members of TWICE!

미나의 부유했던 집안의 어린시절부터
From a girl in a wealthy family

불안장애를 이겨내 다시 활발한 활동을 이어가기까지!
to an idol who has overcome anxiety disorder and resumed her activities!
She has been through a lot indeed!

두유람에서 알아보겠습니다!
Watch the video to check out her story!

#미나 #TWICE #트와이스

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