HOPE 2014 Larry Crabb--The Root to Freedom from Gender Confusion is Relational Holiness

Описание к видео HOPE 2014 Larry Crabb--The Root to Freedom from Gender Confusion is Relational Holiness

The Root to Freedom from Gender Confusion is Relational Holiness. Our hope for meaningful and God honoring sexual restoration depends upon understanding what relational wholeness is and pursing it, which requires that depends that we understand and recognize and repent of relational sin and are drawn to the beauty of relational holiness fully revealed in Jesus.

Dr. Larry Crabb is a well-known psychologist, conference and seminar speaker, Bible teacher, popular author, and founder/director of NewWay Ministries. In addition to various other speaking and teaching opportunities, Dr. Crabb offers a week-end conference throughout the country entitled Life on the Narrow Road and a week-long School of Spiritual Direction held in Colorado Springs, CO.

He currently is Scholar in Residence at Colorado Christian University in Colorado and serves as Spiritual Director for the American Association of Christian Counselors. Dr. Crabb has authored many books including; Understanding People, The Marriage Builder, Finding God, Connecting, The Pressure’s Off , Shattered Dreams, and SoulTalk. His latest book, Fully Alive, was released in June 2013. Dr. Crabb and his wife, Rachael, live in the Denver, Colorado area.

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