Important Interview Question of Spring Annotation : Difference between @RequestBody & @ResponseBody

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#Spring #RequestBody #Vs #ResponseBody


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@RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations are used to bind the HTTP request/response body with a domain object in method parameter or return type. Behind the scenes, these annotation uses HTTP Message converters to convert the body of HTTP request/response to domain objects.

The @ResponseBody annotation means that the result returned by this method is directly written into the Http response body, which is generally used when obtaining data asynchronously; after using @RequestMapping, the return value is usually parsed as a jump path, and the return value will not be changed after adding @ResponseBody It is parsed as a jump path, but written directly into the HTTP response body. For example, to obtain Json data asynchronously, plus @ResponseBody, Json data can be returned directly.

The @RequestBody annotation inserts the Http request body into the method, and uses the appropriate HttpMessageCoverter to write the request body into an object

The job of @Controller is to create a Map of the model object and find a view but @RestController simply returns the object and object data is directly written into HTTP response as JSON or XML.
@Controller since Spring 2.5 Officially (3, 3.1) and @RestController Spring 4
@Controller is a common or generic annotation that is used to mark a class as Spring MVC Controller (web controller) while @RestController is a special controller used in RestFull Webservice API and the equivalent of
@RestController = @Controller + @ResponseBody
@Controller is a stereotype annotation or it’s specialization of @Component annotation, while @RestController is a specialization of @Controller annotation
@RestController and @Controller is that you don't need to use @ResponseBody on every handler method once you annotate the class with @RestController
Controller and @RestCotroller in Spring MVC is that once you mark a class @RestController then every method is written a domain object instead of a view.

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Debu Paul


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