Card Tower CP.270, Rosemon X-Antibody Boss (Digimon New Century)

Описание к видео Card Tower CP.270, Rosemon X-Antibody Boss (Digimon New Century)

I can see how other casual players would struggle with this stage. Rosemon X's revive can't be bypass by your regular revive ban DPS like Alphamon Ouryuken. What can you do is, kill Rosemon X first, and kill her twice to make sure all of her allies won't be revived by her Rose Hearts.

If you able to eliminate Rosemon X first to make sure all of her Rose Hearts layers on her teammates are gone, the match would be much easier, cause her teammates are pretty much outdated Digimons. But, you need to be careful when Rosemon X's Sub Skill is triggered. The damage is quite painful that ut instantly killed my UlforceVeedramon.


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