A Town Like New Orleans? BBC2, 1981

Описание к видео A Town Like New Orleans? BBC2, 1981

A quirky look at the Leeds amateur music scene in the early 80s including a rare glimpse into the evolutionary roots of Arty Bollocks and the PC meme.    • A Town Like New Orleans? BBC2, 1981  

The Jack Bennett All-Stars, Another Colour, The Xero Slingsby Quintet, Howard Sarna, The Roskoe Players and The Commies from Mars.

"An unintentionally wonderful programme called A Town Like New Orleans (BBC2) showed what happens when people whose proper concerns should be some form of fruitful labour start mucking about with art."
Clive James, The Observer, 23 Aug 1981 and Glued to the Box (1982) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glued_to...

"They talk about books, plays, films, television programmes which 'change your life,' ... But last night's programme A Town Like New Orleans? had a direct influence on my behaviour..."
Mary Kenny, The Daily Mail, 15 Aug 1981

"All in all, very good television ... beautifully photographed and edited and with no obtrusive interviewer..."
Dennis Hackett, The Times, 15 Aug 1981


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