Faryen's Turmoil: WolfQuest music video

Описание к видео Faryen's Turmoil: WolfQuest music video

Writen by Dynichae. thank you so much

Faryen's story began in sorrow and struggle. From a young age, she sought her father's approval, tirelessly honing her skills in combat to earn a nod of acknowledgment that never came. Her father, a stern and unyielding leader, saw her only as a tool for war, never as his daughter. The relentless pressure and lack of affection wore down Faryen's spirit, leaving her feeling invisible and unappreciated.

One fateful day, after a particularly harsh dismissal from her father, something inside Faryen broke. Overwhelmed by years of suppressed emotions, she lashed out in a fit of rage. That same day, a catastrophic fire broke out, ravaging the land she called home. The flames consumed everything in their path, and when they finally subsided, Faryen found herself standing alone amidst the ashes. Her entire pack, including her unyielding father, had perished in the blaze. The weight of her actions and the loss of her family crushed her, the guilt and sorrow intertwining to form deep scars on her soul.

Haunted by the memories of her past and the faces of those she had lost, Faryen's grief morphed into a burning anger and hatred. She fled from the ruins of her home, driven by a need to escape the torment of her memories. She ran for days, through forests and over mountains, her body pushed to its limits. Eventually, exhausted and broken, she stumbled into the territory of another pack, a land that was starkly different from her own.

This new pack, with its unfamiliar customs and landscapes, offered Faryen a glimmer of hope for a fresh start. Yet, the shadows of her past lingered, and the scars of her soul remained ever-present, a constant reminder of the life she had left behind. In this new land, Faryen would have to navigate the complexities of her grief and anger, seeking redemption and a place where she could finally find peace.


Ok so the context behind this, is that we decided to do some rp. nothing more nothing less but then we kinda just decided that "hey why not make a music video" and then ensues long grueling hours as we lost ourselves in the sauce lol

THanks to Dynichae and CrazySnake


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