美軍現役主力反艦導彈,曾2秒擊沉俄軍軍艦| 制海權 | 俄烏 | AGM84 | 美軍 | 飛魚 |

Описание к видео 美軍現役主力反艦導彈,曾2秒擊沉俄軍軍艦| 制海權 | 俄烏 | AGM84 | 美軍 | 飛魚 |

2022年的夏日淩晨,兩枚美制AGM-84魚叉BLOCK2D型反艦導彈,以0.9馬赫巡航速度低空掠過海面,15秒後,成功擊中隸屬俄海軍黑海艦隊,瓦西裏·貝克”號救援船,這一結果,證明了魚叉反艦導彈,這枚近50歲高齡的老將,在21世紀的江河湖海中,照樣橫行,同時也證明,俄海軍繼承了蘇聯,乃至沙俄海軍 不靠譜 的優良傳統
In the early morning of the summer of 2022, two American-made AGM-84 Harpoon BLOCK2D anti-ship missiles skimmed the sea at a low altitude at a cruising speed of Mach 0.9. After 15 seconds, they successfully hit the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet, Vasily Baker" The rescue ship, this result, proves that the Harpoon anti-ship missile, this nearly 50-year-old veteran, is still rampant in the rivers, lakes and seas of the 21st century. Spectrum's fine tradition


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