KBEAR KS2 Review - Budget price, big soundstage, modern DD

Описание к видео KBEAR KS2 Review - Budget price, big soundstage, modern DD

The KBEAR KS2 is the new budget IEM to round out the KBEAR product portfolio. It has a very fun, engaging V-shaped sound with a nice boost in the low end by the new fast DD, I think it is a modern take on the budget hybrid, addressing the shortcomings of the past, namely sluggish bass and narrow soundstage. It is still a fun V shape and I wish they brought the vocals a bit forward to balance out the bottom of the V and this huge soundstage.

Thank you to the KBEAR Official Store for sending this to me and if you are interested in picking one up, it is on sale now and there is a coupon for after the sale period:
KBEAR KS2: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/40012...
Discount code: NEWKBEARKS2


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