もちもちで美味しい〜!本格中華ちまきの作り方|japanese food

Описание к видео もちもちで美味しい〜!本格中華ちまきの作り方|japanese food

How to make Japanese food. Today's recipe is Chinese style Chimaki.
Please try cooking Japanese food together.



 もち米 2合(360ml)
 ごま油 大1
 しょうゆ 大2/3
 竹皮6~7枚 水に浸して柔らかくしておく。

 干し椎茸 3個 水200mlで戻しておく
 人参 50g

 酒 …大2

1 もち米は軽く洗いひと晩水に浸して吸水させ、ザルに揚げて30分ほどおく。
2 椎茸は水200mlで戻しておく。
3 にんじん、椎茸、筍、豚肉は7mm角にカットし、鍋にごま油を熱して炒める。
4 煮汁を加えて5分ほど煮る。
5 フライパンにゴマ油を熱し、もち米を3分ほど炒め、4を加える。
6 汁気がなくなったら6等分して、竹皮で包む。
7 中弱火で50分ほど蒸す。

#ちまき #おこわ #Japanese food

【Chinese chimaki dumpling】6 ~ 7 pieces
Glutinous rice 2 go (360 ml)
1 tablespoon sesame oil
Soy sauce 2/3 tablespoon
6 ~ 7 bamboo skins  Soak in water to soften.

Rehydrate 3 dried shiitake mushrooms in 200 ml of water.
Carrot 50 g
Bamboo shoot (boiled) 100 g
Pork belly (or roast pork) 100 g

Dashi stock (shiitake mushroom soaking liquid + water) 200 ml
Sake ... 2 tablespoons
Sugar ... 1 ~ 1.5 tablespoons
Soy sauce ... 2 ~ 3 tablespoons
Oyster sauce ... 1 tablespoon
*Taste and adjust the sugar and soy sauce to taste.

<How to make >
1) Lightly wash the glutinous rice, soak it in water overnight to let it absorb the water, then deep fry it in a colander for about 30 minutes.
2) Rehydrate the shiitake mushrooms in 200 ml of water.
3)Cut the carrots, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and pork into 7mm cubes, heat sesame oil in a pot and stir fry.
4) Add the broth and simmer for about 5 minutes.
5)Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, sauté the glutinous rice for about 3 minutes, and add Step 4.
6) When the liquid is gone, divide into 6 equal portions and wrap with bamboo skins.
7)Steam for about 50 minutes over medium low heat.


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