Описание к видео SHOW US THE ANCIENT PATHS Lyrics

GOD's Word is sovereign, and the ancient paths were tried and tested. They secured GOD's blessings for HIS people and promised rest for their soul - while disobedience dictated devastation, destruction, and deportation from their promised land. But the people would not walk in GOD's ways and their deliberate disobedience caused HIM to marvel at HIS rebellious people.

Although it is easy to find fault with Judah's rebellious ways and be critical of their attitude, we should be prepared to learn from their failure and consider our ways to see if we are obeying the instructions that we have received and are waking in spirit and truth. We also need to examine if we have chosen to walk in HIS righteous ways and fulfil HIS instructions to the Church.

Have we walked in the 'old ways' that stand on the Word of truth and lead us in the way of righteousness, or have we bought into a watered-down doctrine and a compromised faith through adopting worldly philosophies or engaging in fleshly behaviour. Have we dishonoured our Lord through unbelief or disobedience?

We are not called to walk the same ancient path to which Israel was called, but we are required to be faithful to our calling, to walk in spirit and truth as outlined in the Word of GOD, to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and to mature in the faith that we have been taught.

May we take our responsibility as blood-bought children of GOD seriously and die to self, live for CHRIST, and be prepared to say, "Thy will be done in my life - not mine."

Heavenly FATHER, thank You for Jeremiah who was obedient to his calling despite the immense opposition he received from his fellow-countrymen. I pray that I may be faithful to my calling and walk in the way of peace and righteousness for YOUR name's sake, even when I am opposed by family or friends. Keep me low at the Cross and broken before You. May I walk in spirit and truth towards the high calling of GOD in CHRIST JESUS, dying to self and living for CHRIST alone for YOUR greater praise and glory. This I ask in JESUS' Name, AMEN.


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