RebelBetting Review (4 Month Update)

Описание к видео RebelBetting Review (4 Month Update)

I've now reached the end of month 4 of my Rebel Betting journey, and it's been another fantastic month.

The RebelBetting review is mostly focussed on the Value Betting Software, however, I intend to spend more time on the Sure Betting software over the coming months.

This video gives a true reflection of the software as I started out with a £1,000 bankroll and have been placing actual cash bets, rather than just paper trading as I do with most reviews,

You can get a 100% free trial at:

You can view more details and my write up here:

This review shows:

Placing a couple of value bets live
My Value Betting results to the end of January 2022
My Sure Betting results to the end of January 2022

This arbitrage betting service is certainly proving to be up amongst the best sports arbitrage betting software.

As far as sports betting online to make money online, this is proving to be a great use of my time and requires no knowledge of the sports I'm betting on.

Get a 100% free 14-day trial with no credit card info required by going to


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