Nioh - Jin Hayabusa Boss Fight

Описание к видео Nioh - Jin Hayabusa Boss Fight

This was my final challenge in Nioh. A fight against Jin Hayabusa, an ancestor of Ryu Hayabusa. Jin fights exactly the same as Ryu does, so you're basically fighting Ryu Hayabusa. And he is friggin' tough.

He has two movesets, the Dragon Sword and the Hayabusa Style Kusarigama. The Kusarigama has range, but has enough to delay in its start up animations that when you see him pull it out, you can go aggressive on him. When he has his sword out however, he has some dangerous attacks. One of which is his Flying Swallow which is where he jumps and attacks so fast it's almost impossible to see it coming. It will also position him behind you, which is all kinds of bad news.

You can drain his stamina if he starts to turtle up, but always be wary of his counterattack because he can chain you into an Izuna Drop pretty damn quickly and that is almost guaranteed death. He can break your stamina incredibly easily as well due to his absurdly high attack.

You can also try to fight him at long range, but he has ways to counter that too. He has incendiary shuriken that he'll toss out multiple at a time which is just annoying to deal with. On top of that he has his ninpo, which will have him lob a fireball directly at you which you better friggin' dodge or you're dead. He also has total I-frame immunity while he's casting his ninpo.

So yeah...pretty friggin' tough boss fight. If you defeat him, all of his gear including his weapon and clothes will be available as drops. It took me a lot of attempts to beat him.


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