my server - / discord yell at me on Discord if I did something wrong, username - ahdollaryt
If I could post images in this description, I'd post a picture of a dude cracking his neck, and his knuckles to symbolize the essay I'm about to unleash on you guys. Our lesson begins with the dude portraying to be a police officer. Or maybe he actually is one, I don't really know. May God bless his heart and his family if he really is a member of law enforcement, but real or not, he's not really a good actor. Especially during the part where the "dangerous bullies" as they were so tastefully dubbed, lightly pushed the kid with the camera on his backpack and then the officer-or-not says in his tactical gear that the bullies will have to answer to him, I mean come on. Give us something that's actually convincing. I understand that bullies are a real source of headache and heartache, but in this case, they pretty much just breathed on the camera kid and they're going to jail for it? The frame rate on this whole thing isn't compressed either, you guys know me all too well, it was just rendered in a low frame rate for television, and the lack of such makes this whole thing look faker than the girls who go to my church and at your school. Especially when they showed us any footage on a computer screen, it just doesn't look right at all. Also, some of the stories in this from the guests who were interviewed were absolutely nuts for a paid program. Kids stealing liquor? An unfaithful husband? Then you have that one kid who snuck out of his window after his parents fell asleep perhaps to get groceries to help his family? Maybe watch a movie that his parents didn't want him to? I was really stumped there, I have no idea why he would do such a malicious and irresponsible thing. Leave a comment down below with your best guess. Also, just kidding, I know he was going to suck his boyfriend off. I've never understood the need to be sexually prolific in middle and high school because it means nothing at all, no feelings, no true love, just a beast of a hormone trip, and it usually just leads to a bunch of unwanted illnesses and pregnancies that will hurt you more than it will help you. Of course, the obvious answer is to not be sexually active at all until marriage, but of course, there's nothing I can do that will keep you from following suit, especially through the internet. The best I can do is tell you not to, whether you listen or not isn't up to me. Oh yeah, the program. I'm sorry, it's just that the scene with the dude saying "my parents fell asleep, I'll be right there" reminded me of a girl who used to be popular in my church's youth group and got pregnant (This was some years ago, mind you). I of course won't reveal any names or how long ago this was in the event the girl in question ever sees this, but it did get me wondering just how many more cases like that there were through the years, and who silently got abortions at a young age. I hate to be that guy, but looking back at it, those people were all I was surrounded by in my youth group. I heard of another girl in the 9th grade (at the time) spreading around nudes (and possibly STDs), I chose willingly not to figure out what that was all about. I mean the kids from my youth group back then, and probably even now, were in secret doing all kinds of crazy things that my young, sheltered, virgin ears could never have imagined. Those are just the ones I know of too. I'm sure some of you have crazier stories from your church's youth group. Of course, don't think that I was a saint either, I had anger issues and was quite arrogant back in those days. Again, just hormones in full force. See, this program made me think so much of the past with one short, little scene. That wasn't what I had in mind, but in my defense, there really isn't much to this program it seems, just bad acting, atrocious editing, and pretty fake and synthetic overall. I don't think this is the worst paid program I've ever seen, that still goes to the HD antenna program, but boy, did this one put up a fight to earn that title.
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