Defeats of my Favorite Movie Villains Part XXVI

Описание к видео Defeats of my Favorite Movie Villains Part XXVI

Villains Quotes:

"You gotta be a man to do that.” -Lizard
"A cookie cutter shark. The normal dive is nothing more than skin, blubber - flesh!” -Dennis Crim
"On my orders, the covert special forces unit, codenamed Cobra, terminated with extreme prejudice Joe command, facilities, personnel. The GI Joes... are no more.” -Zartan
“Grunt...” -Standartenführer (Oberst) Herzog
"It's nothing personal, Jack. It's just good business.” -Lord Cutler Beckett
"So I raped you? I could have any girl in this school I wanted. Willingly! Why would I rape you? You're not even attractive." -Andy Evans
“ROAARR!” -Zorgons
"I am going to put a bullet through your knee. Then, you'll give me the right number.” -Patrick Koster
"Long live Animal Farm!" -Napoleon
“…..” -The Siphon
"Do you know how easily I could kill you, Frank? Do you know how many times I watched you go in and out of that apartment? You are still alive because I have allowed you to live so you show me some GODDAMN RESPECT!” -Mitch Leary
"You were supposed to understand. I'll make you understand.” -The Riddler

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