ECLIPTIC | Ĕrǫ Űg​ṭ​h​ĩ​ƚ​xi​ƨ​ƚ​eƨ Ḳm​ƀ​a​ṗ​ḳ​ǫ​s​ħ​i [Full Album]

Описание к видео ECLIPTIC | Ĕrǫ Űg​ṭ​h​ĩ​ƚ​xi​ƨ​ƚ​eƨ Ḳm​ƀ​a​ṗ​ḳ​ǫ​s​ħ​i [Full Album]


Ĕrǫ Űgṭhĩƚxiƨƚeƨ Ḳmƀaṗḳǫsħi | The Thanatagnomonic Wheel

Three gods of death and suffering: Tj'đwĕẓm, deity of miasma and disease; Ęḳƚ'rƀã, the Nameless One, an unseen entity, all-consuming fire and devourer of names; Kṗűnq'ħãq'għoqṣk'ẓãkĕ, an embodiment of the earth itself, a glutton with endless ravenous hunger for blood sacrifice. Each of their respective stories a different form of death, the ever-spiraling cycle doomed to repeat itself until an inevitable cosmic end.

Music Written 2021-2024
Recorded Summer 2024

Interstice 0:00
Tj'đwĕẓm: The Miasma of Illness & Decay I. Bear Witness to the Fevers of Desiccating Death 2:01
Tj'đwĕẓm: The Miasma of Illness & Decay II. Here They Nest Among the Blistering Pustules 4:50
Tj'đwĕẓm: The Miasma of Illness & Decay III. Behold the Shroud of a Suffocating Abyss 8:19
Tj'đwĕẓm: The Miasma of Illness & Decay IV. Tap the Root, Drink the Sacred Blood 11:21
Ęḳƚ'rƀã: The All-Consuming Fire I. The Pounding Drums in a Flurry of Madness 14:46
Ęḳƚ'rƀã: The All-Consuming Fire II. Candles Flicker Like Eyes in Delirium 17:15
Ęḳƚ'rƀã: The All-Consuming Fire III. Devour Our Names, O Sightless One 20:55
Ęḳƚ'rƀã: The All-Consuming Fire IV. The Brittle Limbs Crumble Like Sulfur 25:13
Kṗűnq'ħãq'għoqṣk'ẓãkĕ: The Earth's Insatiable Famine I. A Queen of Mud and Slime 28:54
Kṗűnq'ħãq'għoqṣk'ẓãkĕ: The Earth's Insatiable Famine II. Their Bodies Pile in a Mass Grave of Regret 32:03
Kṗűnq'ħãq'għoqṣk'ẓãkĕ: The Earth's Insatiable Famine III. Their Bones Will Remember What I Have Done 35:12
Kṗűnq'ħãq'għoqṣk'ẓãkĕ: The Earth's Insatiable Famine IV. Lay My Body Beneath the Marsh, Make Me One with the Earth 39:10
Interstice 42:27


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