Why yaw rotation acceleration is crucial for corner speed.

Описание к видео Why yaw rotation acceleration is crucial for corner speed.

In cornering, is yaw acceleration perhaps more important than lateral acceleration? Funnily enough I have never seen this topic discussed anywhere else on Youtube.

We've all heard about lateral acceleration in cornering and how many Gs F1 cars can pull in the corners, but what's rarely discussed is how yaw acceleration might be even more crucial to laptime. Speed through a corner is probably 90% determined at the corner entry where there is actually very little lateral acceleration but the rotation has to be initiated. It's yaw acceleration capability that initiates the rotation at corner entry, and stops the rotation at corner exit to enable power to be put down.

The course itself from which this clip was taken - free for limited time: https://www.racetracksetup.com/course...


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