Full story: Recuse Poor kitten unable to walk In the 40-degree heat,[ How To see the kitten change]

Описание к видео Full story: Recuse Poor kitten unable to walk In the 40-degree heat,[ How To see the kitten change]

In the 40-degree heat, the poor kitten, unable to walk, tries to find water and food to survive

I see a poor kitten in the pagoda. This kitten can't walk. He has a problem with his back legs. But I don't know the real reason that make him can't walk. He is living under the hot temperature. In fact the temperature in Cambodia now is 40 degree Celsius. I am so heartbreaking when I see the kitten in this terrible condition 😭.

Now I take him to the hospital to check up with the doctor. The doctor suspect that this kitten
met an accident. He maybe broke his back bone
and his hips. Moreover, the doctor said that he
doesn't have ability to help this kitten. He
recommended to send this kitten to Sunny
Animal Hospital.

Actually, Sunny Animal Hospital is a standard
hospital from Japan. So we need to spend a lot
of money to treat this kitten. In order to know
about the real sickness of the kitten, we need to
spend the money for consultation, X-ray, blood
test and other tests. We need to spend at least
100$ for checking the sickness. But now I don't
have money, so I can't take him to this standard
hospital. I decide to take him back to my home.

Finally, this is an emergency case. I hope that
everyone can kindly to donate to help this poor
kitten. He is so pitiful. He really wants to have a
long life, he tries to eat and drink water a lot.
Thanks 🙏❤️

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