Painting Horus Heresy Primaris Marines is HERESY.

Описание к видео Painting Horus Heresy Primaris Marines is HERESY.

Finally, my quest to paint a 'Loyalist' Primaris version in all of the Traitor Legions colours is complete. I left the Death Guard to last because I like the chaos models, I've painted a fair few of them and also in the past when I've tried to paint Death Guard I find it is very difficult to make it look good because they've got such an ugly colour scheme. I feel pretty happy with how he's turned out.

I want to make a collage of all of them together but I'm not completely satisfied with the Word Bearer and Night Lord that I created so far. I'm considering going back and doing another Night Lord and Word Bearer so that I can be happy with the complete collection. The Word Bearer model isn't bad, he may just need some modifications to the painting, though I feel like I can do a better model as well. The Night Lord on the other hand probably needs a complete revamp or at least a re-think in certain areas. I will think about it and it will probably be a while off because I want to paint some proper Chaos Marines in the future and the next Primaris I will do will be some Successor Chapters.

Thanks for watching, I'll be happy to answer any questions in the comments below.


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