In the Footsteps of Constantine | EWTN Vaticano

Описание к видео In the Footsteps of Constantine | EWTN Vaticano

Constantine is the man who brings Roman history and the history of Christianity together. And it all began a few miles away at the gates of the city of Rome, with a battle that would change the entire western world forever: the famous Battle of Ponte Milvio.

According to a collection of testimonies of the lives of saints, known as the "Golden Legend", St. Helena, in 326 A.D. made a journey destined to remain imprinted in history. She decided to travel to the Holy Land to visit the sites of Christ's Passion. And from this pilgrimage she brought back to Rome important relics; one of which was a fragment of the 'True Cross of Jesus'.

EWTN Vaticano for April 4, 2021. Ep471.


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