[SubsByMIN(:] Schemes of a Beauty's OPENING THEME

Описание к видео [SubsByMIN(:] Schemes of a Beauty's OPENING THEME

ERROR: 'Flowers need to BE comforted too' (not 'Flowers need to comforted too')

PLOT: In this adaptation, the life story of Empress Dou of Han is told as such. Originally born as a palace maid named Du Yunxi, she turned into a spy under the pseudonym Dou Yifang to spy on Liu Heng, the Prince of Dai, on behalf of Empress Dowager Lu. However, she fell in love with Liu Heng and assisted her husband to claim the throne as his instead. She is portrayed as a woman who is not only beautiful but witty and extremely knowledgeable.


PS: In reality, Empress Dou really existed. She was a Chinese empress during the Han Dynasty who greatly influenced the reigns of her husband Emperor Wen of Han (Liu Heng) and her son Emperor Jing of Han with her adherence of Taoist philosophy. She therefore contributed greatly to the Rule of Wen and Jing, commonly considered one of the golden ages of Chinese history. The only twist in this adaptation is that she was sent to the Prince of Dai as a spy but in reality she was just an ordinary palac
e maid who was chosen a gift for the imperial princes.


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