PCI of LAD-D1 and LAD-D2 Bifurcation using Double Mini-Crush Technique

Описание к видео PCI of LAD-D1 and LAD-D2 Bifurcation using Double Mini-Crush Technique

Case and Plan:
75-year-old male with CCS Class III angina, negative SPECT MPI, but CTA with significant 2 V CAD. A Cardiac Cath on January 19, 2024 revealed 2 V CAD and anonmalous LCx: 95% proximal RCA, 80% mid RCA, long 80-90% moderately calcified LAD lesion with large size 80% D1 & moderate size 90% D2 bifurcation lesions, SYNTAX Score of 22 and LVEF 60%. Patient underwent successful interventions of RCA using two DES and did well. Patient is now planned for staged PCI of LAD-D1 and LAD-D2 bifurcation using double mini-crush technique.


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