The New Project - Bones

Описание к видео The New Project - Bones

The New Project - Bones ©

Nuevo single del próximo LP de The New Project grabado, mezclado y masterizado por Javier Salas en mayo de 2023.

Video grabado y editado por Timeless Producciones.


And now what am I supposed to do?
Calm down. Why don't we dance till we break our bones. Till we break our bones.

And heal every little wound. And believe. Why don't we fight till we break our bones? Till we break our bones.

Say yes say yes and say what you needed to say. Say yes say yes.

And now what are we supposed to do? Draw on the walls where eyes spy the intimacy. Till we break our bones. And change the colour of a fantasy. Do you really think I am strong enough? To break my bones.

Say yes say yes and say what you needed to say. Say yes say yes.

Another perfect moment. I know the perfect moment.


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