Full time equivalent explained | Measuring productive capacity

Описание к видео Full time equivalent explained | Measuring productive capacity

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Do you know what your full-time equivalent is in your department or organization? It can really be useful, especially when you have employees working all sorts of hours. Understanding FTE and knowing what your FTE is can help you save, effectively manage projects, plan for the future, and much more!

Calculating FTE:

1 👉 Calculate the number of part-time employees you have.
2 👉 Write down the average number of part time employee hours.
3 👉 Divide by 30.
4 👉 Take the number and round DOWN to the nearest whole number
5 👉 Add in the total number of full-time employees to get your FTE


00:00 Intro
00:28 What is FTE?
00:47 Calculating FTE
02:06 Why is FTE important?
02:58 ALE (applicable large employer)
03:49 Closing


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Factorial Website 👉 https://bit.ly/39wft8q


We are a Human Resources software seeking to streamline HR processes so that HR pros can concentrate on the big picture. With employee time tracking, shift management, performance appraisals, time off management, and more, we help HR departments to be the best that they can.

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