Semantic Models: The brains behind explainable and trustworthy data-driven business decisions

Описание к видео Semantic Models: The brains behind explainable and trustworthy data-driven business decisions

Watch our presentation at the 2023 Knowledge Graph Forum. In this talk, we will introduce the gold standard for semantic knowledge modeling based on metaphactory's visual and user-friendly interface. We will discuss how metaphactory:

enables SMEs and business users to actively contribute to and often drive the semantic modeling process, and why this is important
supports the tie-in of semantic models with additional assets, like vocabularies, and enabling modell and (meta-)data publishing, curation of instance data and metadata, and building ontology-driven search and discovery interfaces
delivers best practices for combining the power of symbolic AI and data-driven AI to power use cases such as enterprise architecture modeling, product lifecycle management or business knowledge modeling.


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