Best Vegan Restaurant In Las Vegas? | The Veggie House

Описание к видео Best Vegan Restaurant In Las Vegas? | The Veggie House

Alex and I met up with the VCC crew at The Veggie House in China Town to try some Vegetarian/Vegan eats. The food was amazing and we will definitely be stopping by again.

The Veggie House
5115 Spring Mountain Rd #203, Las Vegas, NV 89146
(702) 431-5802

You can support the channel by buying me a cup of coffee.

Connect with me:

Instagram -   / thee.other.mee  

Twitter -   / theeothermeee  

email - [email protected]

My Friends channels:

   / @sleeplessinlasvegas  
   / @silverfoxjb  
Cassie and Michele
   / @cassieandmichele  
Straight Outta Vegas
   / @straightouttavegas  
   / brandonabcdfgf95  
The Laughing Lion
   / @thelaughinglion  
Las Vegas Unfiltered:
   / Канал  
Adventures Of An Average Dad
   / @adventureswiththebeskids  
Eatin Out In Vegas With Chip
   / @eatinoutinvegaswithchip5345  
Las Vegas and Beyond
   / @lasvegasandbeyond  
Vegas Best Ideas
   / @vegasbestideas  
   / letyrliteshine  
Nick Houck
   / @thisisthewaylasvegas  
J&K StayinVegas
   / @jkstayinvegas  


I Use:

My Intro:
Cloud Ten by Fareoh
   • Fareoh - Cloud Ten | Trap | NCS - Cop...  

My Gear:
Canon 200D
Sigma 17-50mm F2.8 (Almost always use lol)
Canon 24mm F2.8 (Rarely use)
Canon 50mm F1.8 (Rarely use)
Pro Master 77mm Variable ND
Zhiyun Weebill-S
Rhode Wireless GO
Movo VXR10 Shotgun Mic

#LasVegas #VeggieHouse #VCC


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