Full Hike (No Map/Stabilization): Mount Lafayette Through the Franconia Ridge in New Hampshire

Описание к видео Full Hike (No Map/Stabilization): Mount Lafayette Through the Franconia Ridge in New Hampshire

In New Hampshire, at the northeastern corner of the United States, the White Mountains area is a rugged playground for all seasons. Several mountain ranges lie within this area, including the most heard-of Presidential Range. Another is the Franconia Range, where Mount Lafayette is situated.

Under suitable conditions, the standout summit hike to Mount Lafayette is a counter-clockwise (lollipop) loop starting from the Lafayette Place parking lot. Travelers on this route can enjoy babbling brooks, several cascades, a spot known as Shining Rock, three peaks, a mountain hut, and a couple of lakes.

But perhaps the best features of this hike are the 360° view on top of Mount Lafayette and the mostly-exposed alpine traverse via Franconia Ridge to get to that summit. After emerging from the Falling Waters Trail and hitting the 3-way intersection with the Franconia Ridge Trail (which is also the A.T.) on the summit of Little Haystack Mountain, go left (north). For the next 1.6 miles, witness: to the east, uninhabited wilderness expanding far beyond impressive layers of mountaintops, and, west, the Franconia Notch below and prominent Cannon Cliff of Cannon Mountain above. However, beware of staying too long because the krummholz surrounding is unfit in worsening weather. If that is the case, either make use of stone shelters on the Little Haystack Mountain and Mount Lafayette summits, or, best option, descend quickly to the AMC Greenleaf Hut where hot beverages await.

Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/n7W7oHYR6D5...
Route: Falling Waters Trail-Franconia Ridge Trail (A.T.)-Greenleaf Trail-Old Bridle Path
Type: Loop (lollipop)
Distance: 8.8 mi.
Elevation Gain: 3,850 ft.
Location: Franconia, New Hampshire, USA
Date/Time: 2018-06-10 09:53

My Thoughts:
This was a popular location. Fortunately, I found parking on the other side of the freeway on both days and accessed the trailhead through the tunnel. I did not park on the trailhead side because I was heading south afterward (no exit to U-turn until some more driving). The waterfalls were as impressive as indicated. The Shining Rock detour was worthwhile. That ridge walk—from Little Haystack Mountain to over Mount Lincoln and finally Mount Lafayette—was the best.

I never encountered poor weather, but the winds were blowing. One peculiar thing was the official map showed two different lakes at Greenleaf Hut but I saw only one; the other (smaller) lake could be seasonal. Sources vary, but I would recommend to do this hike in a counter-clockwise direction, since heading down on the Greenleaf Trail affords expansive views for a length of time.



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