How to build a lego candy machine! | Life without school

Описание к видео How to build a lego candy machine! | Life without school

Hello and welcome to our channel, Life Without School!
We are twin brothers, Aeson and Ezrah, who unschool and love to learn in an alternative way. We come up with all our own content, filming and editing. Come along our journey!

Today we thought it would be fun to build a candy machine using legos! Hopefully this helps get your creative juices moving so you can create your own candy machine as well, and if you do, make sure to let us know!

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#LifeWithoutSchool​ #Homeschoolers​ #Unschooling​ #Unschooled​ #Lego #LegoBuild #LegoCandyMachine​ #Twins


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