How I overcame the Millennial Job Hunting Barriers | Jenny Siu | TEDxWroclawUniversityOfEconomics

Описание к видео How I overcame the Millennial Job Hunting Barriers | Jenny Siu | TEDxWroclawUniversityOfEconomics

Let’s break out of our boxes and show the world what you’ve got!

Jenny Siu graduated in Business and Economics at the University of Southampton five years ago, before venturing into the corporate world. Being a Spaniard from Gran Canaria with Chinese heritage, now residing in Wroclaw and working for Google, Jenny is no stranger to adapting to cultural differences. Passionate about education and youth community, she has organized the first two editions of TEDxYouth@Wroclaw as well as ten editions of OpenCoffeeWro in Wroclaw, overcoming language and cultural barriers. She believes in identifying using your individual strengths to overcome obstacles and becoming an outlier.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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