BMW 9 series – Ultra Luxury Car

Описание к видео BMW 9 series – Ultra Luxury Car

Hello friends. BMW is currently undergoing a global transformation and this is the most important period in the last 30 years of the company. In the next few years, the manufacturer will introduce a new New Class platform, and it will become a technological masterpiece of the manufacturer, and with it, BMW will introduce a series of models that we could only dream of before.

Judging by the roadmap that the Germans published earlier, the first such model will be the company's new supercar, which I will talk about in more detail in the next issues, if you are of course interested, but today we will talk about the BMW 9 series.

The company is now actively considering the possibility of launching such a product in a series, and this is quite a rational step.

The new platform, due to its flexibility and the ability to carry both electric and hybrid power plants, gives engineers unprecedented flexibility, and the creation of new models no longer seems so expensive and costly.

So why is BMW another ultra-luxury sedan?

After all, the company has Rolls-Royce for this.

Firstly, not everyone likes Rolls-Royce, and secondly, even for a conditionally available Ghost you will have to pay $ 343,000 and we are talking about the basic configuration.


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