Box-set Trailer - Video-StoryBook 'Webstrand the Tooth Gatherer' : Paul Taggart's Elphen Chronicles

Описание к видео Box-set Trailer - Video-StoryBook 'Webstrand the Tooth Gatherer' : Paul Taggart's Elphen Chronicles


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VIDEO-STORYBOOK ‘ Webstrand, the Tooth Gatherer’ from Paul Taggart’s Elphen Chronicles from Paul Taggart’s Elphen Chronicles - AVAILABLE to:-
STREAM on Patreon -   / paul_taggart_elphen_chronicles  
STREAM on Vimeo -

“We all live in a world of scepticism, disbelief and doubt, but imagine instead, one filled with mystery and magic. This is no ‘wonderland’, but here wishes actually can come true in a way that you would hardly believe; a place where imagination is more precious than diamonds and diamonds are as common as sand.It is within all our abilities to visit this far-distant land, but you will need good reason, for the journey is fraught with peril.

Neither will you be the first, for many have sought the way. One such wayfarer was an Earthling by the name of Fizz, whose creative imagination and zest for life, leads her on a remarkable journey. A journey that was to change her life forever, on which, her guide is none other than the Elphen Swarm Leader, Webstrand.

We invite you to Watch & Listen along with me, as I personally read through the nine chapters of my unabridged, original chronicle, of this wondrous adventure, in which Fizz is taken by her new-found Elphen friends on a sometimes exciting, sometimes terrifying, voyage of discovery.

Watch-along, as I depict the story of 'Webstrand, the Tooth Gatherer' through my scene-setting original Masterworks and the many story-telling illustrations that capture this epic tale.

All accompanied by Liza’ Mulholland’s original Elphen Music, that wends its way through the good times and bad, the joy and horrors, the magical and imagined.

If, like Fizz, you also come to believe in Elphen and search carefully along a star’s path, you may find what appears to be a small glowing ember in the undergrowth; but be on your guard, for once you start the search, it can soon become a quest.Next time you look up into the royal blue of an evening sky and spy a falling star, think of the Elphen.

Somewhere, not so far away, they are gathering their numbers to follow that star until it reaches Earth; where, hidden in the undergrowth they will find their treasure - an Elphen Egg that has traversed the Starfields to reach its destination. You may well see them on their journey home, carrying their egg between them. Tiny specks against the night sky; only visible when they cross a bright star, or the face of a full moon.

”As always, this comes with best wishes from Eileen and myself, not to mention, Sunita and Liza and of course, our Elphen friends, Webstrand and Starfire.”

Paul Taggart
Artist : Author : Presenter : Producer

The Three Quills studio, symbolising the trio of creative strands that are art & design, writings and music, as created by:-

Paul Taggart – Artist : Author : Presenter : Producer [Sole Author & Illustrator of ‘Paul Taggart’s Elphen Chronicles©’]
Eileen Tunnell – Project Director, Producer, Video Auteur ‘Paul Taggart’s Elphen Chronicles’
Sunita Gahir – Design Director/Producer ‘Paul Taggart’s Elphen Chronicles’
Liza Mulholland – Music Director/Producer ‘Paul Taggart’s Elphen Chronicles’

Paul Taggart’s Elphen Chronicles official FB page -   / paul-taggarts-elphen-chronicles  

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2024 – Paul Taggart has asserted his Rights as the Sole Artist & Author of Paul Taggart’s Elphen Chronicles. ALL RIGHTS (including Music) owned by Paul W. Taggart, Eileen M. Tunnell, Sunita J. Gahir [The Three Quills]


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