Best homeopathic medicine for stone in kidney - Dr. Sanjay Panicker

Описание к видео Best homeopathic medicine for stone in kidney - Dr. Sanjay Panicker

I would be wrong if I would say that there is a best homeopathic medicine because homeopathy is based on the symptom similarity. So if there is a group of symptoms and those symptoms indicate particular remedy, then that particular remedy is what I would give the patient. The very fact that stones are of different types, of different compositions, like there are calcium oxalate stones, calcium stones, uric acid stones, stuvite stones, and various types of stones like this, it is clearly understood that every stone cannot be dissolved by the same medicine though there are some remedies that are more commonly used in practice it doesn’t mean that for every patient the same medicine will work. We have to see the symptoms for example if a patient has a pain in the renal angle in the area of the kidney radiating down to the bladder region, we know that it is a kidney related pain or a stone related pain. This particular pain if the patent feels better by bending forwards then colocynth could be the remedy. If the patient feels better by bending backwards then nuxvomica or dioscorea could be the remedy. If the patient finds that in the urine there are white sediments then sarsaparilla could be the remedy. Likewise based on the symptoms the remedies are different. The most commonly used medicine is berberis vulgaris. Other remedies like pareira brava, calcarea renalis, yuva orsa, medorrhinum, lycopodium, calcarea carb. So many medicines are there. But the most commonly in practice and over the internet among doctors itself berberis vulgaris is the most commonly used medicine.


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