Mini haul: Fountain pen + ink refill demo | Jam's Agenda

Описание к видео Mini haul: Fountain pen + ink refill demo | Jam's Agenda

#unboxing #fountainpen #patronperks

Hello~ for today's agenda, let's see what's inside my mini haul from Shop Abbey Sy.

I have to apologize in advance for my vo sound quality. I'm trying to make a chatty vlog, so, I used what's available mic for vo recording. I hope someday I'll have proper equipment for that.

Enjoy this unboxing with a demo on the last part, so pls watch it till the end. Thank you~


✧ Shop here ✧
Abbey Sy Shop:
Abbey Sy's Patreon:   / abbeysy  

✧ Find me on ✧
IG:   / jams.agenda  

✧ About ✧
Welcome to my not so hidden agenda~ I'm an artist by profession and a daydreamer. I'm here to share my agenda about my interest in stationery, journaling, crafting, collectibles and the likes.

✧ Audio ✧
Intro - Music by Naomi - The Coffee Shop -
The Farmer -   / derekgripperguitar   -
Music by Donald XL Robertson - Morning Vibes (Coffee Talk) -

✧ Tools ✧
Fujifilm X-A3
Blackmagic Davinci Resolve


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