Reactor With Lyrics - Vs. Impostor Cover by Dwerbi

Описание к видео Reactor With Lyrics - Vs. Impostor Cover by Dwerbi

0:00 Song start
3:07 Outro

“You fuckin’ dipshit.”


Green Impostor: Dwerbi
Tuning and Effects: ‪@ThatMyth1cVA‬

Lyrics: Dwerbi
Writing: Dwerbi
Art: Dwerbi, ‪@freylyricist‬, ‪@Ajay_100‬ ,‪@GalaXin0‬ ‪@RoseRegalYT‬ ‪@BellsabubTheSilly‬ ‪@Jellybo1‬ ‪@epikgogy9271‬
Video: Maven

Green and Vs. Impostor by Clowfoe and Impostorm
Among us by InnerSloth


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