Jonathan Powell Mambo Jazz Party | Live on KUVO!

Описание к видео Jonathan Powell Mambo Jazz Party | Live on KUVO!

Jonathan Powell Mambo Jazz Party | Live on KUVO!

🎵 Jonathan Powell - Trumpet, bandleader (  / jpowelltrumpet  )
🎵 Itai Kriss - Flute (  / itaikriss  )
🎵 Jeremy Powell - Tenor sax (  / auterkeia  )
🎵 Remy Le Boeuf - Alto and baritone sax (  / remyleboeuf  )
🎵 Jimmy Bosch - Trombone (  / jimmyboschforever  )
🎵 Ryan Keberle - Trombone (  / ryankeberle  )
🎵 Manuel Valera - Piano and keyboards (  / manuelvalerajazz  )
🎵 Alex Apolo Ayala - Bass (  / alexapoloayala  )
🎵 Camilo Molina - Drums and percussion (  / iamcamilomolina  )
🎵 Marcos Torres - Congas (  / marcosatorres3  )

00:40 - Juancito
13:23 - Connection
20:47 - Love Song
31:04 - Outnumbered
38:26 - United
46:30 - Our Life
58:16 - When I'm With You
01:09:32 - Shade of Jade

Jonathan Powell’s Mambo Jazz Party showcases his 20-year career as a trumpeter in NYC’s salsa and Latin jazz scene. As a former member of Eddie Palmieri's groups and collaborator with Arturo O'Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, Miguel Zenon, Tito Puente Jr., and many others, Powell's love for the genre is evident. Mambo Jazz Party features top talents, including trombonist Jimmy Bosch, Grammy-nominated pianist Manuel Valera, and flutist Itai Kriss. With members like trombonist Ryan Keberle, drummer Camilo Molina, and bassist Alex Apolo Ayala, the ensemble promises dynamic performances. Their debut self-titled album is set for release on Circle 9 Records on August 9, 2024.

This performance and new work by Jonathan Powell and Mambo Jazz Party has been made possible with support from Chamber Music America’s New Jazz Works program funded through the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

Production by:
Lead Audio Engineer: Klaus Larson
Video Engineering: Mark Montour-Larson & Alec Kenefick
Hosted by: Geoff Anderson
KUVO Program Director: Shane German
Booking: Domi Edson
Recorded in the Bonfils-Stanton Performance Studio in Denver, CO

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