Let me go

Описание к видео Let me go

©️This song is written by
Obaidullah Mohammadi,
and is hereby published in his book,
“Whispers of the Soul-Volume 2”, and under the copyright law where it belongs to the author, and hereby not to be used in any commercial use or any other social media, it is hereby strictly prohibited.
Sang by DonnaAi
Lyrics by Obaidullah Mohammadi©️

I lived a life,
meant for someone else,
I keep repeating it,
every breath I inhale, and exhale.
I’m not me,
nor live my dreams,
yet in someone else’s dreams,

Let me go,
Let me walk away,
I’ll Dry my tears,
and look the other way,
I’ll look the other way
Walking along your side,
holding your hand,
only to feel unloved,
and unappreciated,
why do I fear losing,
and letting you go,
when you torture my soul every second you get,
When the time comes,
when you really do lose me,
promise me you won’t fake cry,
because I know for a fact you have no tears,
nor shame.
I’m walking your path along your side,
into your journey,
I’m only a molecule in your life,
ready to evaporate into the atmosphere
like dust on a hot summer day.
I needed a hug and love,
when you came into my life,
I felt wanted and appreciated,
yet! I’m regretting every moment,
I’m done with it all,
I’m no more in need of lov

Let me go,
Let me walk away,
I’ll Dry my tears,
and look the other way,
I’ll look the other way


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