Al Petteway and Amy White, December 7, 2012, Renaissance Center, Kingsport TN

Описание к видео Al Petteway and Amy White, December 7, 2012, Renaissance Center, Kingsport TN

Kingsport, Tennessee December 7, 2012 at the Renaissance Center Theatre
Opening for Al and Amy is local singer Beth Snapp
$15 Reserved Seating; $12 Student/Senior ticket
Book tickets at

Presented by the City of Kingsport Office of Cultural Arts.

Grammy-Winning Guitarist, Indie-Award Winning Duo

Contemporary Celtic- & Appalachian-Influenced Acoustic Groove

Award-winning, critically acclaimed, passionate and playful, Al & Amy offer an
intoxicating blend of musical styles. Their repertoire includes original,
traditional, contemporary Celtic- and Appalachian-influenced music with
occasional nods to rock and jazz. Their performances feature acoustic guitar,
mandolin, Celtic harp, piano, banjo, lap dulcimer, world percussion, and a touch of vocals.

Al Petteway and Amy White will perform a combination of music and their
amazing multi-media presentation featuring their original photographs.


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