Why NOT to become a Data Engineer

Описание к видео Why NOT to become a Data Engineer

I have created multiple videos about data engineering, including a data engineering course for beginners. Why would I advise anyone against pursuing a career in data engineering? I like being as transparent as possible - while this job will be great for many people, it might be disappointing for the others. In this video I'm outlining three reasons why not to become a data engineer.

If you'd still like to learn data engineering, I recommend following the 4 simple steps below to land you the first job interview:

1. Learn Python
I recommend following the Python for Everybody specialization course on Coursera, which is one of the most popular courses there:

2. Learn SQL
SQL is still the lingua franca of data. I recommend going with Learn SQL Basics for Data Science course, because it contains some chapters which are very releavant to data engineering in partcular, e.g. distributed computing with Spark

3. Learn Bash scripting/Linux
I wouldn't take a full course on it, but at least read a good article.
if you do prefer to take a course/guided project, I think this one is short and good:

4. Learn how to develop on the cloud, e.g. on AWS
There are a few good courses around there, but I think the Coursera one is the most comprehensive

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