伊勢参宮本街道ハイキング⑤天理駅~三輪恵比寿神社~大和朝倉駅【とある会社の歩こー会】#71 2024.6 Hiking along the road to visit Ise Jingu⑤

Описание к видео 伊勢参宮本街道ハイキング⑤天理駅~三輪恵比寿神社~大和朝倉駅【とある会社の歩こー会】#71 2024.6 Hiking along the road to visit Ise Jingu⑤

#天理駅 #市座神社 #丹波市 #芭蕉句碑 #大和神社 #戦艦大和 #矢矧塚古墳 #五智堂 #黒塚古墳 #黒塚古墳展示館 #恐怖トイレ #箸墓古墳 #卑弥呼 #大神神社 #大鳥居 #三輪恵比寿神社 #海拓榴市 #仏教伝来の地 #山の辺の道 #玉列神社 #初瀬川 #大和朝倉

This is the fifth in a series on walking along the Ise Pilgrimage Route, the road that people used to walk from Osaka to Ise Grand Shrine.
We started from Tenri Station, the destination we reached on the previous 4th leg, and walked along Kamikaido and Ise Kaido to Yamato Asakura Station.
Immediately from Tenri Station, turn onto Kamikaido and you will find Ichiza Shrine. There used to be a roof in front of this shrine just a few years ago, a remnant of a market, but it has been removed as it is now privately owned.
At Ooyamato Shrine, there is a museum for the Battleship Yamato. On April 7, 1945, the Battleship Yamato was sunk off the coast of Cape Bounomisaki in Kagoshima Prefecture. The 2,736 heroic spirits of the Battleship Yamato and its escort ships are enshrined in the ancestral shrine within the shrine grounds.
At Kurozuka Tumulus, we visited the exhibition hall and went up to the tumulus.
We saw the Hashihaka Tomb, which is said to be the tomb of Himiko of Yamataikoku, and also had a monument to the Red Thread Legend that is passed down in Sakurai City, making it a fun hike.
This was the first market built in Japan, and was originally enshrined as a guardian deity at Tsubaiichi, which is mentioned in the Heian period female writer Sei Shonagon's The Pillow Book, before being moved to Miwa and becoming the current Miwa Ebisu Shrine.
As it was the first market, it has been worshipped as the guardian deity of all industries, including buying, selling and commerce.
After that, our interest shifted to the starting point of "Yamanobe no Michi" and we walked around looking for it but couldn't find it.


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