Soft tissue management for bone augmentation

Описание к видео Soft tissue management for bone augmentation

Webinar by Marius Steigmann

Dr. Steigmann presents different ridge augmentation procedures with focus on a proper soft
tissue management to achieve primary wound closure.
Dr. Steigmann is founder and director of the “Steigmann Institute” and maintains a private
practice in Neckargemünd, Germany. He is associate of different internationally renowned
universities and is member of multiple associations such as DGOI, FIZ, BDIZ and ICOI.
During the webinar he in detail describes different defect morphologies and clinical
challenges implantologists are regularly faced. To reach predictable and stable outcomes Dr.
Steigmann presents special flap designs and suturing techniques, and discusses the use of
biomaterials such as cerabone® and Jason® membrane within the scope of Guided Bone
Regeneration (GBR).

Jason® membrane is a particularly thin, native collagen membrane obtained from porcine pericardium that provides a long barrier function. (

cerabone® is a 100% pure bone mineral of bovine origin, which offers exceptional volume stability due to its non-resorbable properties ( The excellent biomechanical properties together with the specific resorption profile of Jason® membrane optimally support both, early healing of the cerabone®-grafted area, and the long-term stable integration of the particles.

More about ridge augmentation / reconstruction and Socket management


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