DIY Hot Tub Course - learn how to build a DIY Hot Tub

Описание к видео DIY Hot Tub Course - learn how to build a DIY Hot Tub

Announcing the launch of the DIY Hot Tub Course - Online Training Program.

DIY Hot Tub Course - LINK -

The PERFECT way to design and build that dream hot tub in your own backyard. From Start to finish, I will walk you through every step.

Even if you dont know where to start!

If you are looking to design and build your own DIY Hot Tub, then you have come to the right place. This DIY Hot Tub Course is for you!

Here’s why…

With more than 200+ customers, I’ve been designing custom hot tubs for customers all over the world. From Chile to Irsael. The UK to the USA. From Thailand to Ireland and beyond, I’ve designed Hot Tubs for DIYers such as you (and professional builders alike!) in all shapes and sizes.

I’m sure you have seen the case studies on my website.

What I want to explain to you is that all of these tubs that you can see above have been designed in exactly the same way. The structure may be a little different. The plumbing may be a little different. The layout might be different, but really, they have followed the same process.

Even more exciting…

You don’t need me to do this for you! Doing it yourself will also save you some $$$$££££

You can do this yourself by following my PROVEN method. You can design and build your own DIY Hot Tub. From scratch using the same method that I do.

How can I say that?


This is the exact method that I go through myself with my Custom Design Clients. Yes, every single one of them follows this same method.

Looking at my case studies on this site, from Brandon, to Kyle, to Ivri, to Niel, to Marc, to Colin and Ray, they have all gone through this exact process.

It’s tried, it’s tested and the result are clear to see on this website.

Just for a minute, imagine this:

It’s chilly outside.

The sky is clear, the air is crisp.

You open up the tub and steam pours out in abundance.

You step into that wonderful 102F/39c crystal clear water.

You reach for the jet button. They start to whirl.

You press the blower and BOOM! Bubbles a plenty.

You sit back with a HUGE smile on your face because it’s time to relax in the tub that you have designed and built yourself.

I still do this EVERY TIME I get in my own Tub.

What’s the point of this explanation I hear you ask. Well, the point is that you can actually stop imagining doing it and actually get on with doing it yourself. Now, today!

I’m Andi from – I founded this website as when I built my own tub, I couldn’t find the information that I needed to build the hot tub that I so desired. I was determined that once I succeeded, I would share the knoweldge.

Today, with over 200 customers, I help others to take the steps that I did to building my dream tub enabling them to build their own dream tub.

Building my Hot Tub with no information was difficult.

I made mistakes.

Mistakes that cost me in the wallet.

Mistakes that cost me time and energy.

Mistakes that I would have liked to avoid.


So what about this course then?

It’s As Close to “Done-For-You” As I Can Possibly Make It!

There are over 40 different video lessons.

The lessons cover everything. I have not left a single step of the process out.

There are handouts.

There are Downloadable design resources

There are downloadable plumbing diagrams

I even include editable Sketchup files – yes, THE EXACT ones that I use.

This content is totally unique and is not available on the website or any of my social channels.


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