【潘達培談記錄與視覺化、城市的記憶(第三集)Eric Poon on Documentaries, Visualisation and Memories of the City (Ep 3)】

Описание к видео 【潘達培談記錄與視覺化、城市的記憶(第三集)Eric Poon on Documentaries, Visualisation and Memories of the City (Ep 3)】


今季「嘉賓導賞」系列的最後一集,我們邀請了資深紀錄片製作人兼新聞與傳播學教授潘達培,分享他對本季展覽「再紡東亞系列二:邊織邊拆的網」的想法,更會深入分析兩位韓國藝術家的作品:朴智希的《橢圓形軌道(半個月亮在夏末落下) 》及康瑞璟的《席上席 — 激活 — 中華基督教會基全小學》。


How would you record the best but most ephemeral days of your life? What can we do to prevent the memories of a city from being lost in time? Aside from images, videos and text, what other instruments or mediums can be used for recording?

In the final episode of this season’s Viewpoints on View, veteran documentary producer and professor of journalism and communication Eric Poon reflects on the exhibition Spinning East Asia Series II: A Net (Dis)entangled through works by two Korean artists: Drawing Elliptical Orbit (when the half-moon sets in late summer) by Park Jeehee and Mat Black Mat — Acts — cccktps by Suki Seokyeong Kang.

For each seasonal exhibition, Viewpoints on View invites individuals from ‘outside’ of contemporary art to share their perspectives, interpretations and responses to artworks and practices on view. The cross-disciplinary conversations aim to enhance accessibility by relating and contextualising exhibition content to the public.
See you next season!


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