1st house lord in 12 different houses and your soul purpose in detail| lagna lord and your past life

Описание к видео 1st house lord in 12 different houses and your soul purpose in detail| lagna lord and your past life

Here i described about lagna lord in different houses and your pending karma in this life. If you want to take any type of personal consultation from me then mail me but that will be paid.

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Lagna is one of the most important factor in Vedic astrology. The lord of the ascendant, also known as the lagna lord, has a significant influence on the person’s life and personality. It is very important to check the condition of lagna and lagna lord in the horoscope to identify the karmic path of the soul in this life. If lagna lord is in a good condition then it indicates success and prosperity in this life, also if placed in a bad condition then shows karmic challenges which somehow linked to the past life karma. soul purpose is also very much connected with lagna lord.The main aim of our channel is to guide you through astrology and help you to find your true purpose in life, so that nobody can misguide you in future, for this please like👍comment📝share📲 & subscribe🔔

🌺❤May god bless you all and be optimistic always🌺❤

⏺Time stamps:⏺

00:00 start
0:13 introduction
1:24 lagna lord analysis
3:57 lagna lord in 1st house
6:50 lagna lord in 2nd house
9:12 lagna lord in 3rd house
12:20 lagna lord in 4th house
15:27 lagna lord in 5th house
18:49 lagna lord in 6th house
21:47 lagna lord in 7th house
25:18 lagna lord in 8th house
29:25 lagna lord in 9th house
32:44 lagna lord in 10th house
34:55 lagna lord in 11th house
36:51 lagna lord in 12th house



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