[SUHBAT] Shokir NmaGap | Ovoz sozlash, o'zbek rep, Freestyle

Описание к видео [SUHBAT] Shokir NmaGap | Ovoz sozlash, o'zbek rep, Freestyle

Bizlar bilan ko'proq connectda bo'lmoqchi bo'lsangiz, ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi sahifalarimizga podpiskani tashab qo'yishni unutmang✌️

instagram:   / nmagapsuhbat  
tiktok:   / nmagapsuhbat  
mail: [email protected]
telegram: https://t.me/nmagapsuhbat

Mehmon:   / millymallymoe  

Sardor Salyamov   / sardor_salyamov  
Rajabboy Allayarov   / ray_rajab_allayarov  

Donat uchun: https://tirikchilik.uz/nmagap

Network: TRC20

01:59 Voice check
02:30 Sharhlovchi Shokir
02:49 Maqsad
03:44 Boshladik
04:27 Energiya qayerdan?
07:00 Sardor reklamasi
09:28 Top chart
10:05 Eksperiment
14:20 Chiroyli gapirish
15:21 Ovozlar
17:45 Ovozlashtirish oson yo'li
19:06 Inlgizcha gapirivordik
20:32 Harakatda barakat
21:45 ROVDdagi holat
24:32 Mahallada o'g'rilar
26:29 Qorasuv opasno
28:11 Ukaga bo'lgan mehr
29:59 Kuchli emotsiya
31:12 Sevgiga erishish
32:25 Musiqa tubdan o'zgaryapti
34:09 Konstaga rahmat
35:27 Shu toifadagi odamlar
36:18 Ma'no kerakmi?
38:17 Yo'nalishlar
39:22 Reggi Shokir bilan
41:06 Massa shetta
41:24 Topolonchila
41:48 Brbaloni kim eshtadi?
42:41 Ijodga kayp kerakmi?
45:12 Retro kayfdagilar
48:19 Maktabdagi g'alamis
49:16 Lifehack
49:38 Musiqa davolaydi
50:50 Qalban aytish
52:42 Ovozga praktika
55:00 Baqirmang
55:41 Bukrlanib gapirmang
56:41 Toshkantlik ballar
57:19 Malikadagi bratlar
58:00 Toshkentchani plyuslari
58:42 Sotuvchilarning topi
01:00:11 Sotuv bo'yicha maktab
01:00:50 Sotuvdagi do'stlar
01:01:40 E-shahar
01:03:29 Sotishda ovozning roli
01:05:43 Bo'lgan voqea
01:09:51 Westdagi holat
01:11:19 Lifehack
01:12:20 Zo'r texnika
01:13:35 Krishenda
01:14:46 Pauzalik odamlar
01:15:58 Boy o'quvchi
01:16:55 ZBS Podcast
01:18:06 Freestyle

Typebeat qilgan ijodkorlarga o'z minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramiz!

01:19:24    • Freestyle Beat - "EMPIRE" | Free Type...  
01:22:13    • Freestyle Beat - "PIMP" | Free Type B...  
01:24:22    • Lil Baby x Drake Type Beat - "Freesty...  
01:27:13    • Видео  
01:30:00    • [FREE] Freestyle Type Beat - "Glory" ...  
01:30:27    • [FREE] Freestyle Type Beat - "FLUTES"...  
01:31:12    • [FREE] FREESTYLE TYPE BEAT - "GUITARS...  
01:32:20    • Видео  
01:34:46    • Видео  
01:39:13    • 📿FREE Reggae Instrumental-Boombap/Reg...  
01:41:43    • Base De Rap - "Ganjah Mam" - Reggae -...  
01:45:14    • Freestyle Type Beat - "Drip" | Free T...  
01:47:15    • [FREE] Freestyle Type Beat - "KISS" l...  
01:50:20    • [FREE] Freestyle Type Beat - "ICE CRE...  

Eslatma: Rasmiy sahifalarimizga joylanayotgan har qanday kontent NmaGap loyihasiga tegishli bo‘lib, mualliflik huquqlari asosida himoyalangan. Mualliflar ruxsatisiz ulardan nusxa ko‘chirish yoki foydalanish ta'qiqlanadi. Agar kontentimizdan foydalanmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, elektron manzilimizga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin. / The material published on our official channels is the exclusive intellectual property of the NmaGap project, subject to copyright protection. Any unauthorized reproduction or utilization without explicit consent from the authors is strictly prohibited. For inquiries concerning the use of our content, please contact us through our designated email address.

#nmagap #suhbat #millymallymoe


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