Masterclass: A Book That Builds Your Business with Daniel Priestley

Описание к видео Masterclass: A Book That Builds Your Business with Daniel Priestley

Business owners who become authors experience more success, attract more opportunities and generate leads and sales with less effort than their competitors.

If you’re at the beginning of your author journey, the way forward can be confusing and there are many mistakes to avoid.

This masterclass, delivered by the bestselling author of 5 books, Daniel Priestley. 📚 He will give you the clarity you need to move forwards with confidence.

Daniel covers...
4️⃣ The 4 things you need to have in place before you write your book
🤯 The big shift in thinking you need to make before you publish
📝 The exact framework Daniel has used for all of his books
💡 How to plan your perfect book and why you need to choose the right publishing route
😎 How to become an author of a book that builds your business

Get the book plan, books and bonuses that were gifted as part of this free masterclass here https://writeyourbookrecording.scorea...


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